Latest Improvements

Changes are coming soon and may take time to appear.

Improved score settings and bug fixes

Default score setting
We released the Clean corners improvement that allows scores to be printed at much higher speeds while still maintaining quality at sharp corners. It’s so good that we now recommend Draft Score instead of HD Score. We’ve updated the default score setting to match, so your prints will run faster and save you time while still giving you excellent results.

Some bug fixes
We’ve fixed a couple of bugs...

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Introducing Glowforge Premium, Creative tools, and a new look for the toolbar

Glowforge Premium brings you tools and content to print with amazing creativity and efficiency. It’s a paid upgrade to the lifetime free membership to Glowforge Print that you have already. It’s still in beta, and we have a lot more features in the works but we want to bring some of it out to you early. And while it’s in beta, enjoy it for free - it’s on us! You can learn more about Glowforge Premium in our April Update.

Here’s what’s in Glowforge Premium...

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Precision position, design library improvements, and a focus fix

We have some fantastic improvements we think you’re going to love.

You can now specify the precise position and size of your artwork. Select an object, and the new Precision Position tool appears.

Preview thumbnails in your design library will get refreshed when you open, edit, or print a design. The most recently opened design will be sorted to the top of your design library.

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Autofocus update (3/16/20)

We’re updating the autofocus software on your Glowforge to prepare for future work. For most units, this won’t have a noticeable difference, but you may see improvements to the quality of your prints like fewer scorch marks and fewer cut-through issues. The updates will go out automatically over the next couple of weeks. No reboot is needed to receive the update.

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Better clicks, better undo (3/2/20)

First, better clicking! Previously, if you want to select an artwork, you’d have to precisely click on the pixel. We've made some improvements to make click selection easier which means fewer missed clicks!

Second, we’ve improved “undo”. Previously, when you used “undo” after rotating, it might only undo part of the rotation. Now, a single undo will get the artwork back to its original state.

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$500 hiding in your browser (3/25/20)

We created our referral program for Glowforge owners because if we’re going to send someone $500 for getting the word out about Glowforge, we’d like it to be to you. Everyone you refer to Glowforge is money that goes to you instead of to ads on Google and Facebook. And with our referral program, your friend gets the absolute best sale price on their Glowforge, and you get up to $500 cash!

We also have a firmware update available. The next time you turn on your Glowforge, the firmware will update automatically. This update will help us prepare for future improvements.

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Improving connectivity (2/11/20)

Two connectivity improvements are heading your way! One will make your Glowforge more likely to stay connected when the Wi-Fi signal is poor, and the other allows the software to retry more intelligently when there’s a network problem. Your printer will update the next time you turn your Glowforge off and on.

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Improving connectivity & planned downtime (12/1/19)

We have a firmware update that will improve your machine’s ability to connect to our servers. Most printers will update the next time you turn your Glowforge off and on.

And this Tuesday, Dec 3rd at 11:30 PM PST, we have some planned downtime to update our servers with security and reliability improvements. Our site may be unavailable for up to an hour.

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