Your Glowforge for Your Family

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Your Glowforge for Your Family

With a Glowforge 3D laser printer in your home, printing quickly becomes a favorite family pastime and tradition. Give the kids creative license to design their own curated collections, from game pieces to holiday ornaments. Start a seasonal family craft business - or just level up the family lemonade stand - and take pride in your communal success.

  • Keep your kid’s brains sharp over summer vacation with Glowforge “assignments”
  • Create coveted family heirlooms that become part of your story, and let your loved ones near and far cherish their very own custom pieces.
  • Make miniatures like dollhouses, furniture, and custom, fully-loaded model cars, trucks, and airplanes, using wood, acrylic, leather, and more.

Meet Glowforge

The magical 3D laser printer that makes all these projects possible.

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