Sarah was a skeptic

March 10, 2020


Do you have a place where you feel the most inspired to create?

For Sarah – that place has always been the garage.

After all, she’s spent her career testing and reviewing serious power tools and creating videos and blogs about woodworking, DIY projects, and home renovation for her website Tool Girl’s Garage.

So when Sarah added a Glowforge to her garage, she thought she knew what to expect.

But after five months, Sarah realized something was different about Glowforge.

A limitation that none of the hundreds of tools she’s used had ever presented her with….

For the first time ever, Sarah feels limited only by her creativity.

Today, Sarah combines her lifelong love woodworking with the precision of a laser – and makes things she never could before.

From colorful resin pours combined with rich hardwood, to stunning inlaid mosaics that Sarah is tapping into her artistic side in ways that all the tools she used before never quite inspired her to do.

What parts of your imagination (or your classroom or business) could Glowforge unlock?

Because I don’t think Sarah – or you – will be running short on creativity anytime soon.

As they say, sky’s the limit.

Stretch your imagination – order your Glowforge now.

Until next time,
