Learning & Support

You Shouldn’t Have to Ask: Open and Inclusive Insurance
We decided to publish our insurance coverage in public, where anyone could see it, to make our company more inclusive for everyone. Here are the plans we offer, and below is the story of how this happened. 2024 Glowforg...
You Aren’t Communicating Nearly Enough
Imagine for a moment that you have a new friend, and you notice you haven’t heard from them for a while. They haven’t replied to your last couple of texts. Would you wonder if you’ve been ghosted? Of course, on some leve...
We got a trophy! I love trophies, and also in-depth explanations. This is both.
I’ve noticed that a lot of folks read this Glowforge company blog when they’re trying to decide whether they want to work with us. If this is you, thank you! We’re humbled and flattered that you’d drop by. (If that’s
Introducing Project Print-A-Toy
I’m Dan! I’m a father of 15 year old twins, long (!) time Glowforge owner, cofounder of the company, and CEO. If you read the monthly updates on our forum, you’ve probably run into me already. I love creating things.