Glowforge Owner Nikita: Achieving the American Dream

October 02, 2019


If you’ve been following along with us this week, we’ve been spotlighting Glowforge Owners who run their own businesses, to celebrate the unofficial kickoff to the holiday season.

And last, but certainly not least, is Nikita. What caught our eye was her cleverly-cut-cursive signs. And then we quickly realized she does so. Much. More!

Nikita, who has a background in graphic design, began designing and selling her crafts made on a vinyl cutter about seven years ago. She loved the ability to work from the family home, but couldn’t physically meet the demands of the business alone.

“When I saw the Glowforge crowdfunding campaign, I just knew I needed this machine.”

For Nikita, the most special part about bringing Glowforge into her life is that her husband was able to quit his full-time job and come on board with her.

She told us that his former office job was so far away that he wouldn’t get home until 7pm, so he wouldn’t even see their children some days. Now, they are working side by side, creating their own flexible schedules and spending more time with their boys.

“Knowing we were at the point where my husband was able to quit his job and stay home was a huge moment for us.”

- Nikita

She says that wouldn’t have been possible without Glowforge because it helped them step up their business – from making more money on the products they were already selling to introducing new products.

Nikita also credits Glowforge for opening up more opportunity for her business. She’s now able to incorporate unique details that gazers gravitate towards and helps her standout at craft fairs.

When a lot of other craft-fairing-folks are creating signs that are painted or vinyl finished, her products now have the oh-my-gosh-how-did-you-do-that factor!!

“People are always so impressed by the details. They think I have some mad skills with a scroll saw…there’s no way I could do this on a scroll saw, but I’m glad they think I can!”

Much like Bruce and oh-so-many Glowforge Owners, Nikita loves using her Glowforge beyond the business.

She and her husband have two (super adorable!) boys, ages 3 and 7 who love making projects on the Glowforge. And of course, their favorite is to push the button!

“It’s the sweetest thing because they find the Glowforge just so magical. Whatever they can imagine, they want to make it, and with Glowforge they can!”

We love Nikita’s story so much because she not only was able to improve her own business but she was able to change her whole family’s life for the better. Gives me goosebumps to know that Glowforge was a part of this wonderful story.

“We feel like we’re living the American dream of owning our own business, making our own schedule, and getting to do what we want when we want with our two boys.”

Are you dreaming of owning your own business or maybe making instead of buying the things you want? Turn your dream into a reality.

To see more of Nikita’s delightful designs, go explore the Kitaleigh Instagram.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll make.


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