This machine is going to the dogs

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Boston MAJoined Wed Oct 21 2015

So this weekend was the donors event (Paws for Applause) at the Cummings School for veterinary medicine at Tufts University, and as our new simulation venter is coming online we decided we should have a booth to show off what the funds are being used for.we of course planned to highlight the Glowforge, but as the one at the lab which I reported the set focus bug on, still hasn’t gotten a response from support on a solution, I lugged mine from home out to Grafton. We were at the temperature limit outside, but we got it up and running. The plan was to make custom dog tags (it’s a bring your dog event). Of course snapmarks refused to work on the draft board jig, grrrr… but I optically aligned to the jig which was “close” and off we went.


The booth had one of our prusas cranking out a dental print as a demo. We had a lot of examples of 3D prints available. I sort of went ghetto on the venting solution, but we are in the middle of a field after all, and there was a nearby charcoal grill spewing smoke


Myself and @Mike.Vet (and Bella a patient of Mike’s, because no way was I not getting a photo with that monster!)

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