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Boston MAJoined Wed Oct 21 2015

So the newest addition to the stable at which I ride is Rocky. He is adorable and takes the place of the demented geriatric Twix who recently was found dead after he decided to tangle with a draft horse who kicked him in the face shattering his jaw overnight. Rocky is sweet and playful and happy to go along on a hike, assuming it is not his nap time (around 2pm). His eyes really give him a suspicious look when you take a profile picture.


If you take him for a hike at nap time (who knew?), you get to carry him after he lays down on the trail and curls up asleep after about a mile. When people saw the photos of my wife carrying him and asked why Lori had to carry him, I said “well it’s her job”, one woman accused me of being sexist that only the woman could carry a napping baby; and my friend who sees my wife, chimed in “no, literally that is her job carrying animals around all day” (she’s a vet). [in my defense I did start carrying Rocky and was told “you’re not doing it right…”


(yes it really doesn’t get much cuter than that)

Anyway, he is small enough to wriggle through holes and being that he is a baby he has zero common sense (not that goats are possessed of deep thought to start with, but he doesn’t even know how to goat yet), so he needed a tag in case he wanders off. So pulled out a nice purple star tag


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