October 01, 2024
Glowforge TeamLasers like your Glowforge require ventilation, but nestling up to your window or garage door while you’re crafting isn't always convenient. The Glowforge Air Filter and Glowforge Craft Laser Filter change all that.
Here’s everything you need to know:
First, let’s cover the basics:
There are 2 types of air filters that work with Glowforge:
Both air filters sit on the floor next to your Glowforge, capture the exhaust, and process it into clean, filtered air.
With a Glowforge Craft Laser Filter or Glowforge Air Filter, it’s safe to use your Glowforge anywhere you want, cleanly and easily. No more venting out your window or garage door!
Next up, your top air filter FAQs:
#1: Do I need to have an air filter to use my Glowforge?
Nope! Every Glowforge laser comes with the connectors you need to vent with a window. Without either the Glowforge Air Filter or Glowforge Craft Laser Filter, you'll need a window for ventilation. Many Glowforge owners who live and work in small apartments or in spaces without easy access to ventilation love having an air filter because it lets them create from anywhere!
#2: Why would I want an air filter?
While an air filter is not required for you to print amazing things with your Glowforge, having it means you can use your Glowforge whenever and wherever you want.
Working from a classroom with one inconveniently-placed window? No worries. Crafting from your dining room in the dead of winter? Now you can keep the porch door closed. The air filter is perfect for anything from a big house to a tiny apartment.
#3: Can I use any material with an air filter?
The Glowforge Air Filter and Craft Laser Filter are designed and tested to work with Proofgrade® materials. Some of the tested products include hardwoods like maple and cherry, softwoods like pine, cast acrylic, and vegetable-tanned leather. Similar materials from other manufacturers may work just as well (just make sure they're laser-safe!), but other materials may clog your filter cartridge faster.
#4: How often will I need to replace the air filter cartridge?
This is a great question with a complicated answer. Basically, it depends.
The average life of an air filter cartridge changes with how often you print, the designs you print, how often you cut vs. engrave, and the kinds of material you use. For example, you can create more than 1,000 typical prints in 1/8" Proofgrade plywood before needing to change, but MDF plywood or Proofgrade Draftboard usually require a change after a couple hundred prints or less.
Some creators can go a whole year between cartridge replacements, while others might need to replace their filters every month or so.
Breathe easy — your air filter's got you covered.
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