So, I needed a 3-inch wrench

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Boulder, COJoined Sat Oct 03 2015

We’ve all been there. You need to do a bit of maintenance or make a home repair so you gather your materials & tools, get halfway through it and — dammit! discover you’re missing a tool you absolutely cannot do without. :rage: So, off to the local big box store to waste an extra 90 minutes in travel and shopping time. This happened to me today while fixing a leaking flush valve. When I dismounted the tank and flipped it over, discovered I need a 3' wrench to get the @#$! locknut off. :confounded:

But wait a second… I have a frickin’ laser! 20 minutes, three objects drawn in Illustrator, and a hunk of 1/4' ply later, I had a wrench!

At this point, my wife came in to see why I was laughing maniacally, grabbed her phone, and shot this:

Problem solved? Almost. When I went to tighten the new locknut, I discovered it was 2 1/2' :expressionless:

So, back to the Glowforge to add (subtract?) a 2.5' hex for tightening…


Don’t know if I’ve mentioned this lately, but…

I :heart: my :glowforge: :exclamation:

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