Pre Release: What to do with a stout tree?

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Boston MAJoined Wed Oct 21 2015

I remembered this post by @joe Where he asked about getting some cut log blanks, and where would he get those. I suddenly thought, who has 2 thumbs, and recently did this? (and had 2 thumbs after doing this too!)

This guy!

(haha - my boss called and asked if he could borrow my chain saw as a large oak branch had crushed through his fence - I asked a couple of questions and realized he had never used a chainsaw in his life and didn’t own kevlars, steel toes, protective metal faceshield, etc and I figured if I wanted to get promoted I probably shouldn’t contribute to the death of my service chief).

Well out I went to my wood drying rack with my trusty bow-saw, cut off the end piece by about 1/2' (since I figured the chainsaw spews chain oil all the time) and then cut a thin slice off (actually worked remarkably well). Sanded it first with 150 then 220 with my random orbit.

Wrapped it in high-tack masking. But what to make? Well at first I looked at the scotch in my hand, but that wasn’t useful (who uses a coaster with scotch) and then thought about my daughter who is doing a clinical research fellowship in Dublin at Mater Misericordiae hospital, and thought Aha!

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