Final boxes

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Rochester, NYJoined Fri Oct 02 2015

My box making project has finally come to and end. After many many hours of cutting, engraving and assembling boxes they are finally done and delivered. Here are some photos of the finished boxes just before packing them up for delivery.





Overall they turned out fantastic, the photos don’t really do them justice. There where a few little issues with the front engraves that i need to look into. Some of the fine text turned out light and hard to read on a few of them. I still need to run some test to see if it was just caused on build up and the lens or something else.

But i really can’t complain since it handled this huge job on such a short timeline. At least it has this week to rest since i’m on vacation and wont be able to run anything till next week.

But starting next week a whole new chapter will begin for me. Any of you that have worked in the advertising field will know how quickly jobs can come and go. I found out near the end of this project that my position would be, at least temperately, eliminated.

The good news this give me some time to work on my side business, that i was planning on starting anyways, while i find a new job or they line up some new clients.

Stay tuned for some new posts next week as I start testing out some new product ideas and projects.

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