Find Designs and Proofgrade Materials Faster

Find Designs and Proofgrade Materials Faster

We’ve made improvements to the shop to help you better find what you’re looking for, whether it’s the perfect Catalog design for any occasion or the exact material to print on.

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We’ve made two main improvements:

  1. Search is better. You’ll now find more, and more relevant results for your searches.
  2. Filters to help narrow your search: For both the Proofgrade shop and the Glowforge Design Catalog, you can now use filters to narrow down your search and find exactly what you’re looking for.

PG shop filters

For example, in the Proofgrade shop, you can now filter materials by available sizes, thicknesses, colors, and more.

Catalog Shop Filters

In the Glowforge Catalog, you can now filter designs by skill level, print time, license, and more.

Check out all the latest improvements here.