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What’s in a Crest?

Julie York, South Portland High School (Glowforge Education Ambassador)

Grade Level

Join Nick and Bailey for a HUGE live print! They’ll share their Top 5 Tips for successful Passthrough printing.




Join Nick and Bailey for a HUGE live print! They’ll share their Top 5 Tips for successful Passthrough printing.


1.5 to 2 hours


Art History Computer Science


ISTE 1.4: Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

ISTE 1.6: Creative Communicator

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.


Crest Designs Symbols



What’s in a crest? Let’s represent ourselves with personal crests that symbolize us!


Thematic Questions:

· How can symbols be used to represent people? · How can the same symbols be used in different ways?


Students will...

· Identify and analyze examples of other historical and fantasy crests. · Design a personal crest of their own. · Be able to explain their design choices and use of symbols.


ISTE Standards for Students 1. Innovative Designer– Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions. 2. Creative Communicator– Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.


Catalog Designs

Lesson Outline:

Get Ready:

1. Make an example crest of your own. This way you’ll have gone through the process and understand what you’ll be asking the students to create. Gather the material you’ll be printing on and print out the sketch pages for students to brainstorm on.

Production Time:

Print: 10-15 minutes. Assemble: Removing the paper- less than 5 minutes. Optional painting: 30 minutes. Optional mounting for display: 10 minutes.


Here is an optional rubric for student self-reflection or feedback throughout the process.

Lesson Instructions

Section 1 - Introduction

  1. Show students examples of crests that are historical or fantasy based. Have them up on the board. Write the word “CREST” on the board and talk about what that means.
  2. Ask students to explain what they see and write down their answers on the board. I.e. I see a lion. I see a shield. I see the color red.
  3. After every student has had a chance to say something they see, go back to the list and circle some of the specific answers such as colors or shapes. Ask students to talk in groups: what could these circled items represent about a person? Give them time to talk amongst themselves with one person recording their answers.
  4. Have groups share out their answers. Introduce the concept of “SYMBOLS” by writing that on the board and talking about different examples and interpretations.

Section 2 - Design

  1. Write “DESIGN” on the board and talk about how the above crest would be done if it was done representing them.
  2. Hand out the sketch papers (let them choose a shape) and have them sketch their ideas. Walk around and talk to them about their choices, asking “why use this shape?” “Interesting, can you explain why you used this?” style questions.
  3. Once they formalize a sketch, have them use a graphic editing software to digitize it. This is a good opportunity to reinforce digital citizenship: make sure they’re using royalty free/creative commons images and content!
  4. Once they finish their digital copy, have them upload that and their frame to the glowforge and print on the material provided.
  5. Optional: paint!

Section 3 - Reflect & Display

  1. Have the students do the description paragraph assignment.
  2. Have students proofread another student’s paragraph, then pass in both.
  3. Print the paragraphs and mount the crests for display.

Reflection Questions

Help students consider…

  • Which of the designs stands out the most to you and why?
  • What do other designs say to you about your fellow classmates?
  • What skills did you use in completing this and how could those skills help you in other classes and experiences?
  • If you were to redo this crest, or add to it, what would you do?
  • How could this crest change in the future? Think about what happens in your life and the ways in which your personal design may change over time.

Pro Tips

· Send photos to parent(s)/guardian(s) of the final products! This is a great one to share- and it could be a fun connection to culture and history. · If a student doesn’t want to share their name: they don’t have to. There is no part of this that demands them “claim” their crest. When printing the crests- assure them that even the paragraph will not have their name on it unless they choose to include that information. · If a student struggles with digital design, consider using the Glowforge Trace feature to integrate hand-drawn artwork.


  • How could this be done to represent a school or group of people?
  • How does someone’s culture affect their crest?


  • Have students interview other people and design a crest for someone else.
  • Have students compare crests from different cultures and time periods to see how things have changed or remained the same.

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