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Hall Passes for the Masses

Casey Boothby

Grade Level

Join Nick and Bailey for a HUGE live print! They’ll share their Top 5 Tips for successful Passthrough printing.




Join Nick and Bailey for a HUGE live print! They’ll share their Top 5 Tips for successful Passthrough printing.


Design - 30-45 minutes Print - depends upon number of hall passes


All Subjects All Classes All Grade Levels


ISTE 1.1: Empowered Learner

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

ISTE 1.4: Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

NGSS Science and Engineering Practices


Hall Pass Bathroom Pass Office Pass Nurse Pass Boy/Girl Pass Customizable Passes Flip Horizontal School Safety


Lesson Handout:

Hall Passes for the Masses


In today’s school system, safety is paramount. Hall passes allow for students and staff to immediately recognize students who are out of class with permission as well as visitors to the building. This project can be a fun way to have students design the hall passes for the classrooms in the building utilizing images already available through Glowforge.


Thematic Q:

1. How can the school have a common hall pass system that allows for student creativity to improve school safety?


Students will...

· Identify classrooms in need of common hall passes. · Design hall passes for those classrooms specific to their needs. · Use the Glowforge to cut/create hall passes. · Paint/Complete hall passes and deliver to classrooms.


ISTE: 1.1 Empowered Learner Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences. 1.4: Innovative Designer Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

NGSS: Science and Engineering Practices: - Asking Questions and Defining Problems - Developing and Using Models - Planning and Carrying Out Investigations - Analyzing and Interpreting Data - Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking - Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions - Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information


  • Brightly colored Acrylic
  • Acrylic Markers
  • Acetone
  • Optional: Lanyards

Lesson Outline:

Get Ready:

1. Read through the activity details above to be ready to complete the activity.

2. Print out copies of the Lesson Handout for students to utilize in the lesson.

3. Gather materials needed to complete the activity.

4. Consider printing and completing an example for students to look at.


Print: 15-30 minutes depending upon detail and number of passes. Finish: 10-15 minutes to color engraving and allow for drying. 10-15 minutes to allow for acetone sealing.


Lesson Instructions


  1. Have students reach out to teachers that do not have a common pass. This may need to be completed ahead of time by the teacher so that a list of needs is readily available.
  2. Review types of needed passes and accumulate a list of the types of passes and how many of each are needed. Standard ID card/Hall Pass size is 2.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches tall. Hall passes can be varying sizes depending upon need and requirements for each school.
  1. Break students into groups of 2-3 and have each group design one of the types of passes utilizing the blue “Add Artwork” button with the Glowforge. Students can import artwork or search for appropriate artwork already available.
  1. Use Lesson Handout to have students work on designs and get approval of design before building designs in Glowforge.

Customize & Create:

  1. Open Glowforge app and open Hall Pass design blanks. Students can choose from rounded edges or square edges.

  2. Select specific type of clear colored acrylic that will be used for hall passes.

  3. Select the grey "T" button to insert Text. Students can add the type of hall pass detail (bathroom, nurse, office, etc).

    a. IMPORTANT: If printing with two pieces of acrylic with design in between, be sure to utilize the “Flip Horizontal” feature to the right of the Glowforge screen. This will flip both the image and text so that it can be sandwiched between the layers of acrylic and protect the design.

  4. Select the blue "+" button to add artwork to the hall pass.

  5. Center artwork on hall pass blank and arrange text around and centered with artwork.

  6. Get final approval from the teacher for artwork and text before moving to the print.

  7. After printing, students may customize the design by using acrylic paint markers to color the engraving so that it will stand out.

  8. Finish work:

    a. Teacher must wear appropriate safety equipment (goggles, gloves, and mask) when working with acetone.

    b. Acetone has been shown to seal both pieces of acrylic together by essentially melting the two pieces.

    c. Acetone can be applied with simple brushing technique and then clamping the two sides together and allowing for sealing to occur.


  1. Once hall passes are sealed, students can add lanyards (optional) or connectors to be added to teacher lanyards in the classroom.
  2. Delivery of final hall passes and updating of list will occur between teacher and student.

Reflection Q’s:

  1. What did you learn about this process that you didn’t know before creating these hall passes?
  2. What challenges did you encounter in this process? How did you overcome these challenges?

Pro Tips:

· Trial and error has led us to use acetone instead of super glue. Super glue doesn’t seal correctly and will cause the two acrylic layers to separate eventually - leading to more work with the hall passes. · Acrylic paint pens have been amazing to use to fill in the engraved areas and allow for contrast of the text and design.


  • How might we use the hall pass blanks in other ways around the school?
  • What other areas of the school could benefit from common passes or standardizing a procedure such as this?


  • Customize the hall pass blanks by using different shapes and designs.
  • Create a competition where students can design the hall passes for their classrooms and a recognition program for those selected as the hall pass designs.

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