Submariner Cribbage Board
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Joined Apr 8, '20 

Shortly after getting my GF I started designing this cribbage board. I am a submariner and cribbage is somewhat of a semi-official organizational pastime. It took me about two days to come up with a design I liked, but then the overall plan was iterated through several material choices before landing on the .2" walnut plywood. This was chosen over the red oak hardwood that I had lying around for the expediency of adding a card/pin storage drawer. Getting the engraving settings right also took a couple of tries and resulted in my learning a lot about node manipulation in Inkscape.

The drawer took a couple of tries as this was my first attempt at kerf correcting myself rather than using a box generator to do it for me. The drawer has side rails that fit between two layers of the board and it has two compartments, one each for pegs and cards.





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