First up, the lovely city of Portland, Oregon and the Willamette river running through it. The map is walnut veneer mounted on a mirror, then set into a walnut frame. I had to break the engrave up into four parts (a different color in NE, SE, NW, SW) and run each separately without moving the veneer so that the system could handle it.
Next, a US map for my partner and I to track our travels—where we’ve been and where we’re going next. The cork is 1/4" thick and was scored with the beam focused below the surface so that the line would be a little wider. The outline of the country is 1/8" walnut I resawed and planed down from a scrap of 1x12. It’s a little thicker than Proofgrade walnut, so I slowed the speed just a bit and it barely made it though. Finally, I sprayed adhesive on the back of the walnut and stuck it tight to the cork.