Magic the Gathering Card for EDH!
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Bay Area, California 
Joined Sep 7, '18 

Hello, Glowforge community!

Here’s my first post ever - and will have many more to come.

My GF Pro came in earlier this week, but have been super busy with work.
But here’s the weekend! So without further ado, I present to you my first (real) print:

A Magic the Gathering card! :black_circle::red_circle::white_circle::large_blue_circle::green_apple: (there’s no green circle emoji!)

There’s a format that my buddy plays - EDH - that requires a card to (almost) forever be on the playing field (we call it battlefield). And his current “commander” is the below:


Also got the alignment okay (GF camera, you’re the best!), and was able to engrave the back without much fuss:


Things I learned:
1) It takes forEVER to peel off the masking. What did I expect??
2) This gets REALLY sticky. Better to not put it near your expensive cards, even if they’re sleeved.
3) Could have spent a bit more time on getting the svg to have a better contrast (“The Gathering” part on the back didn’t show up :sob:)
3.5) Same goes for the front picture of the character. Oh well!
4) The laser cut card is smaller than the playing card by 0.5mm for height and width. This is due to kerf that I didn’t account for in my svg!

Overall, very happy with the result. And will have a surprise for my buddy tomorrow.

Until next time,


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