An apple for the Teacher
Posted by
Orem, Utah 
Joined Dec 7, '15 

Continuing the discussion from Bowls, Trays and a Cute Hedgehog Sticker:

I have always liked the scroll saw bowls, and @Jules’ apple bowl got me designing. It’s not really much different.
I started iterating in cardboard


Once I got something I liked, I made it in proofgrade acrylic, proofgrade maple ply, and unmasked Baltic birch.


I tried a stripe, as well.

I hate wasting material, and the smallest cutout looks so good I thought a coordinating key tag was in order.


Do they look better in solid or stripe?
Which material is prettier for this application?

I have 4 minions starting school, plus a couple family members that teach. I will make more.

Another question… are they better with fewer layers?

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