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Open the big box

The largest box contains your Glowforge, and is specially designed to protect your Glowforge through shipping. Be sure to keep the box and packing materials, as you'll need them if you want to move or store your Glowforge, or for any warranty repair. The box that’s short and wide is your Glowforge Accessory pack. This may have come inside the large box containing your Glowforge, or it may have shipped as a separate package. It contains your Proofgrade™ materials, the Crumb Tray, and some accessories. Set it aside for now.


If your Glowforge box has straps and edge protectors as shown, cut the straps and remove the edge protectors. You don’t need to save these.


The Glowforge box is locked tightly by 4 white handle locks on the bottom of your box. (If your box doesn’t have these, skip to the next section!)

For each handle lock:

Pull the tab on the right side of the handle and swing it open like a little door.

Gently pull the frame of the white handle to remove it from the box.

Save everything! If you ever need to ship your Glowforge for service, you’ll need all the original parts: boxes, handle locks, foam, and important orange and red bits. Store them safely; replacement packing materials are $249.


Remove your Glowforge from the box.

If your Accessory Pack shipped inside your Glowforge box, take it out.

Unfold the plastic bag around your Glowforge without tearing or cutting it. With a second person, reach into the plastic bag, carefully lift your Glowforge out of the box, and place it on your prepared surface.

